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Biography of our featured  writer

Gary Ludwig
Autho  Editor •  Media Consultant

717- 383 - 1965 •  gary@hodgepodgeusa.com 

Some of his work is listed here;

Death of Dr. Gilmore's Wife - True Crime 
♦ Mexico Road - Thriller 
♦ Tommy Hinnershitz - Racecar Biography 
 The Angels & Demons of Hamlin - Thriller
♦ Hillbilly DJ - Country Music Biography


Basket Road Press, Inc.

P.O. Box 2100, Cleona, PA 17042
Phone 717- 270- 6929 
Since 1974

Publishers, Printers & World Wide Distributors of Books, CDs & DVDs
Basket Road Press.com
Hodge Podge USA.com
Cedar Top Books 




We are always seeking authors. If you have talent as a writer and a rough or finished manuscript contact us to publish your book. We will consider publishing books written by independent authors if well written & marketable. We will consider granting advances on future royalties if we feel your book's initial sales volume qualifies it to be a candidate for major distribution.

Contact us to arrange a free consultation.